Research Interests

  • Climate Dynamics, Impact and Modeling
  • Tropical Cyclones, Volcanic Eruptions and Climate, Climate and Epidemic Dynamics
  • East African Hydroclimate, Moisture Transport and Arctic Climate
  • ITCZ and ENSO, Monsoon, Storm Tracks, More...



I am a climate scientist in the Department of Geosciences at Princeton University, working with Knox Taylor Professor of Geosciences Gabriel Vecchi. My research is focused on better understanding climate variability and change on broad timescales from sub-seasons to millennia, as well as why the mean climate of the planet is the way it is.

I received my B.S and M.S. from Peking University in China, advised by Prof. Benkui Tan; and Ph.D. in atmospheric sciences from Columbia University, with the dissertation The Hydroclimate of East Africa: Seasonal cycle, Decadal Variability, and Human induced Climate Change, advised by Prof. Richard Seager and Prof. Mark A. Cane.